“I Wanna Rock!”

Eric loves to dance. He can’t stop himself wiggling every time he hears any music!


10 months on

10 months later

Eric’s baby friends were born more or less the same time. Mums met at yoga class when they were just bumps.

Meal time @ Toddler group

Lots of little people at “The Ark” mother/baby/toddler group. Today we celebrated 7th years anniversary. Eric really enjoyed the snack and sing along and dance with his little friends.

Stuffing our faces with yummy food.
Stuffing our faces with yummy food.

Eric’s 1st Birthday

Today blue sky nice weather, mummy and daddy took me to Cittaviveka Temple (วัดป่าจิตตวิเวก) for offering food to Sangha and to be formally received and blessed by the Sangha for my birthday. Then we just had a little celebration at home and mummy made me a Banana Birthday Cake. Thank you everyone for Cards, presents and best wishes for me. I had a brilliant 1st birthday.

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Eric visits Thailand

Eric’s first visit to Thailand – at the start of the summer time it was about 35-38 degrees C.

I spent most of the time entertaining the family by playing toys and laughing. It was tiring work, but fun. Not many pictures of all the relatives as there were so many! But below is one of the rare moments Eric was left alone.

Ah peace at last

Continue reading “Eric visits Thailand”

First Christmas

Eric’s first Christmas – not really sure what is going on but eventually enjoys eating the wrapping paper !

What's this? and why do I have a silly hat?
What’s this? and why do I have a silly hat?